First download the Church Center App!

  • Download “Church Center App

  • Search for “South Calgary Chinese Evangelical Free Church”

  • Input your cell phone number and wait to receive an activation code

  • Input the code and it will be ready to use

How to check in on Sundays:

  • Open the Church Center App, tap Check-in at the bottom of the screen. Check-

    In tab will show an option to check in to an event, for example:

    Nursery – Grade 6: Children’s Worship & Sunday School + Special Needs

    Grade 7- 12: TEEN Sunday School

  • Choose your event, who to check in as well as the time, location, any options, tap Next.

  • If you are checking in for adults or kids Grade 1-12 you’re all done!

  • If you are checking in kids Kindergarten or younger tap next to get the QR code. Scan the

    QR code at our check-in stations to print your your matching guardian/child labels.

Find a friendly host on Sunday if you have any questions or need help! Or email: [email protected]