Day 13: Last day in Ukraine


On our last Monday in Ukraine we visited some of the children in the rural villages as well as one of the Roma settlement in the city. To be able to see where these children lives helps us to have a greater understanding of their challenges and pain. When we hear a story of how children saved their drunk mother from drowning by keeping her head above water in a watery ditch, it is truly heart breaking. Our hopes and prayers is for the gospel to reach deep within these family's lives and also into the system that enslave them. 


An important thing I've learned is that it is sometimes easy to show and display the needs and poverty of a people group versus their strength and assets. But by doing that, we may inadvertently lower their dignity and value. If our mission is to participate in the restoration of humanity's relationships with God and our value as being made in the image of God, we will need to shift our focus toward the other's strengths and potential as opposed to what they don't have or what they can't achieve. The depth and width of what Christ has done go beyond our broken spirit and individual salvation, it is big enough and powerful enough to change the world, and with it, the transformation and reconciliation of political systems and social structures. 


On our last evening together, we had a great evening of fellowship with board games while children played out in the field. It is interesting to see how everyone comes together to form this community. Their desire to fellowship together is not a program, but it grows out of a commitment and love to be together. They are not together because of services rendered; it's not because there is a children program while parents meet, or a great speaker for the meeting. But there is a deep desire to serve and love one another as a family. As I consider what it means to have hope and faith on this trip, I am challenged in that maybe my hope is too small and too narrow. If my hope is based on a narrow view (N.American perspective) of what family and community mean, then I may have missed out on the rich meaning of being adopted to into the family of God. Reflecting on my time spend here from my first trip in 2009 to today, I've learned from HOM and their families of what being adopted into a family means, and that a community that flows from the love of Jesus is absolutely powerful even in the midst of darkness.


As we take photos with some of the youths we've seen grown up, we give thanks to God for how He guided their paths. We pray for all the little ones that they too, will know the loving presence of our Lord Jesus Christ and that one day, we can gather together to share what God has done in their adventure with our saviour.  


Prayer Request:

  1. We will be leaving for Budapest tomorrow, please pray for a good journey home. 
  2. Pastor Adriel has developed a dry cough that's not getting better. Please pray that he will have rest and healing. 

Day 12: Last Sunday


On our last Sunday here, Pastor Adriel spoke at their church from Luke 7:36-50 about how we are to love much because we have been forgiven much.  It was a very hot day and there was a short power outage during the service and then one of the A/C started to fail (ice coming out). 


After the first sermon by Pastor Adriel, there was an amazing hour-long worship presentation by a youth choir from a church 500km away. This was a glimpse of what worship will be when all tribes and nations gathered as one. I thank God every time I get to worship here. 

On the ceiling of their church is Rev.3:11, and it is a reminder that Jesus is coming back soon.  


During the afternoon, Daniel and Adriel left for a church youth event where Adriel led a session. It was a great opportunity for him to get to know the lives of youths in Ukraine. 


Back at HOM, there was another birthday celebration for one of the teacher there!


The kids loved the Spot-It game!

Day 11: Camp evaluation, partnership dialog, and a visit to the Mercy Farm


On Saturday, Daniel and Crystal led the teen leaders in a debrief and evaluation of the children camp. It is encouraging to hear their honest comments and experience as to help one another grow in their leadership. The HOM staff also spent the morning meeting with Pastor Adriel and myself in reviewing our relationship in the past 12 years and what we can focus on together between SCCEFC and HOM. We were excited to see how the Holy Spirit was aligning both our communities vision and we are looking forward to bringing the discussions back to our church.

We brought some Canadian chocolate and candies for everyone to try!We brought some Canadian chocolate and candies for everyone to try!

We brought some Canadian chocolate and candies for everyone to try!

One of the HOM kid combined his crafts!! Genius! One of the HOM kid combined his crafts!! Genius! 

One of the HOM kid combined his crafts!! Genius! 


In the afternoon we visited the Mercy Farm. This massive undertaking includes a cafe, vegetable market, kitchen (including flash freezing to deliver food to remote villages), hydroponic greenhouses, storehouses, and hectares (30?) of farmland. There is a huge need for workers and business professionals here as many workers often leave for another EU country for higher wages. The farm pays quite well here in Ukraine, but it is difficult to compare to other European countries.


During one of our meetings Vasya and Valera brought out the recorders from the first ever camp with our church. They bring back many great memories for everyone. 

WhatsApp Image 2018-07-29 at 7.33.55 AM.jpegWhatsApp Image 2018-07-29 at 7.33.55 AM.jpeg

Day 10: Last day of camp!


Last day of camp!

We can't believe the week has passed so quickly! We thank God for how our teen leaders led the children throughout the week, and also for the stories of how some of the children were able to accept the good news of Jesus Christ. Sometimes we wonder if their experience here at the camp is only temporary, but I was encouraged by young adults who were kids in our previous camps as they recalled joyful memories that had an impact in their lives. It's impossible for me to know the effectiveness our camps and workshops, but I do know that we are called to be faithful in planting the seeds and trusting God to transform their lives and their situations. 


Every morning, all the children are provided a breakfast as many do not have such meals at home. While the breakfast sandwiches are being distributed, there are usually dozens or more bees flying around it. The teen leaders just waves them off and the children continues to fight through the buzzing bees for their food. 

Craft station: Cross craft...Craft station: Cross craft...

Craft station: Cross craft...

... and a card to send to a parent or friend about what they've learned at the camp.... and a card to send to a parent or friend about what they've learned at the camp.

... and a card to send to a parent or friend about what they've learned at the camp.


The final epic event: Raft ride (with leaders pushing them)! 


As the camp ended, the kids says good-bye to all their teen leaders. We prayed all the relationships build throughout this week will continue to grow. 


As we cleaned up the camp site, Captain Mark and Romper sailed down the river into the sunset. 


A short nap before dinner ... and then volleyball.


For our last dinner at the camp site, Valera made his famous bogush soup. This soup is unmatched anywhere on the planet; it's epic in taste, ingredients, and texture! 


Today we also celebrate Ivan's birthday! He's a model of endurance and faithfulness for many generations after him.


Our awesome teen leaders! Bold and courageous! We pray they will continue to grow in the Lord.


After we moved back to the HOM centre, Daniel highlighted the lunar ellipse that was happening. "It only happened 120 years, and mainly in this part of the hemisphere...." He repeated it 5-10 times; he was that excited.

Day 9: Camp day 4


The fourth day of the camp is about finding rest in Jesus. In the midst of busyness and checking off our to-do lists, all of us can easily dismiss our need for rest. Even in our time of rest, we sometimes try to find it in things than in our LORD Jesus Christ. It is encouraging to watch a lot of these youths take to their time of rest and solitude with the Word each day. We pray that they will continue to find rest in God as they weave through the complexity of adulthood.

Making pillows in the craft station!Making pillows in the craft station!

Making pillows in the craft station!

Bible story time!Bible story time!

Bible story time!

Watching Romper the otter and Captain Mark!Watching Romper the otter and Captain Mark!

Watching Romper the otter and Captain Mark!

Today is Craft Mania day! There were three stations (plus one secret station) of crafts for the kids to make at the end of the day.Today is Craft Mania day! There were three stations (plus one secret station) of crafts for the kids to make at the end of the day.

Today is Craft Mania day! There were three stations (plus one secret station) of crafts for the kids to make at the end of the day.

Vasya made use of leftover ice for snowballs!Vasya made use of leftover ice for snowballs!

Vasya made use of leftover ice for snowballs!

After all the children left, Vasya led the youths on a short hike! They have so much energy! After all the children left, Vasya led the youths on a short hike! They have so much energy! 

After all the children left, Vasya led the youths on a short hike! They have so much energy! 

Many of these camp leaders were part of our camps as children throughout the past 12 years. We are tremendously thankful to be a small part of their lives, and we pray they will continue to walk with the LORD and reflect the relentless love of Christ to their community. 

Day 8: Camp day 3


The weather this week has been amazing, sunny with cloudy periods. When the kids were out for reflection time, the clouds moved in to provide coverage. The breeze by the mountain side was also a relief when it does get hot. God has been good in giving us some of the best Ukraine weather we've ever experienced!!

Parachute games for day 3 games station!Parachute games for day 3 games station!

Parachute games for day 3 games station!


In the afternoon we had a power outage and ran a secondary power source with their generators. We were afraid we won't have power to pump the water to the field as it is also water games day today! We got the water running and the kids had a great time in the sun! 

A few years back we sang the song "Unstoppable" for the G-Force VBS camp here in Ukraine. During the evening, we decided to sing it again with the youths who were in that camp. This is a picture right before Pastor Adriel pulled something (his …A few years back we sang the song "Unstoppable" for the G-Force VBS camp here in Ukraine. During the evening, we decided to sing it again with the youths who were in that camp. This is a picture right before Pastor Adriel pulled something (his …

A few years back we sang the song "Unstoppable" for the G-Force VBS camp here in Ukraine. During the evening, we decided to sing it again with the youths who were in that camp. This is a picture right before Pastor Adriel pulled something (his back/shoulder) in the middle of the song as it is a very physically demanding song. The youth had great memories of that camp and that song. 

It is also Olya's birthday today! Picture perfect timing by Adriel.It is also Olya's birthday today! Picture perfect timing by Adriel.

It is also Olya's birthday today! Picture perfect timing by Adriel.

Day 7: Camp day 2


Our second day theme is on acceptance, this is an important topic in a country where there is a divide between the Ukrainian and the Roma people. Mark and Oleg did a great job as the Captain Mark and Romper (puppet)!

Craft station...Craft station...

Craft station...

Science station...Science station...

Science station...

Games station...Games station...

Games station...

Life size foosball! Life size foosball! 

Life size foosball! 

Small group reflection time. The camp site provides acres of space for groups to reflect and discuss what they learned.Small group reflection time. The camp site provides acres of space for groups to reflect and discuss what they learned.

Small group reflection time. The camp site provides acres of space for groups to reflect and discuss what they learned.

A few prayer requests:

  1. Pray for our health as we continue to move through the rest of the camp days. 
  2. Prayer and thanksgiving for the weather. We have clouds and sunny breaks with breeze in the camp site. It's the nicest I've experienced here!
  3. Pray for our leaders as they continue to work through and develop the logistic and stories of each day. 

Day 6: Camp day 1


On our first day of camp we met many new children from poor villages as well as the ones from HOM. This year our theme is Rolling River Rampage and throughout the week we find "adventure, acceptance, joy, rest, and peace" on the river. 


In each station, the HOM youths lead the story time, craft, games, science, and small groups. It is a huge part of our goal to empower and equipped youths to live and lead for Christ. 


But as we develop the current generation of youth leaders, we are reminded that there is another generation growing up after them. The continuing work of discipleship that is the building of relationships and reflecting the relentless love of Christ to the others is not over until Jesus comes again. We are reminded that our mission is not just working on a project or making people more useful or functional, but we are to build relationships as that is God's mission to us: His desire to relate to us, to be our personal friend, king, and saviour, and adopt us as His children.

We celebrated many birthdays in this two weeks. We celebrated many birthdays in this two weeks. 

We celebrated many birthdays in this two weeks. 

Ended the evening with some games and volleyball. Ended the evening with some games and volleyball. 

Ended the evening with some games and volleyball. 

Day 5: Sunday


This is our first Sunday to church and everyone got ready at 9:30AM. As we waited for the bus, a few of the boys picked flowers for their teacher and Crystal also got a bunch too. These boys will melt your heart! Dan on the other hand, was the centre of attention as the kids loved all the games he played! 


After church we came back to the centre for lunch. We were blessed to be able to meet a team of ministers from the conflict zone in Eastern Ukraine. Their stories and experiences were convicting and challenging to our western ears as their problems are more than mere numbers and strategies, they are life and death. 

Pastor Adriel found his other brother who is also a pastor (with a Korean root) from Eastern Ukraine! Pastor Adriel found his other brother who is also a pastor (with a Korean root) from Eastern Ukraine! 

Pastor Adriel found his other brother who is also a pastor (with a Korean root) from Eastern Ukraine! 

The original Cabbage roll for lunch. There are no comparisons in Canada.The original Cabbage roll for lunch. There are no comparisons in Canada.

The original Cabbage roll for lunch. There are no comparisons in Canada.


Sunday evening we moved all our materials and luggage to the camp site. The teen leaders and us will be staying here for the rest of the second week. We spend the time decorating the hall and prepping for the week. For much of the camp, we are letting the leaders run with it, empowering them to make their own choices and praying that they themselves will experience God in their adventure with the kids. 


Day 4: Teens sessions continue and the Asian Canadian dinner


The day continued with the teen's workshop. We spend much of the time figuring out each station as well as purchasing last minute supplies and ingredients for the evening's Canadian Asian dinner.  


We started our cooking at around 4PM, and I think they thought we might not make it! In previous years, we had begun to prep the night before!!! Our Canadian Asian dinner night is meant to help give the cooks an evening off as we "attempt" to cook a decent Asian meal for our Ukrainian family to try! This year we had baked salt and pepper chicken, miso soup, and lettuce wrap! Our dessert was made by one of the teachers in the centre!

Our miso soups.Our miso soups.

Our miso soups.

Milka's artisan cakes!Milka's artisan cakes!

Milka's artisan cakes!


At the end of the dinner, children presented to the staff of the centre wreaths filled with shrinky-dinks filled with thanksgiving messages that they made while the staffs was on their date night. You can sense their heart-felt thanks in each of their speeches. 


After the dinner, there were volleyball matches, football games, and much love shared amount everyone. Their lives truly examplifed a community living out their faith and their joy together.


Day 3: Teens workshop, camp preparation, and staff retreat

WhatsApp Image 2018-07-20 at 4.09.23 PM.jpegWhatsApp Image 2018-07-20 at 4.09.23 PM.jpeg

Friday was our first day of teens leader workshop and preparation for next week's camp. Crystal and Daniel led the sessions as the teens began to work through the camp materials. A lot of these teens we watched grew up since as little as two. They are all superstars! 

WhatsApp Image 2018-07-20 at 4.08.28 PM.jpegWhatsApp Image 2018-07-20 at 4.08.28 PM.jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2018-07-20 at 4.08.18 PM.jpegWhatsApp Image 2018-07-20 at 4.08.18 PM.jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2018-07-20 at 4.10.17 PM.jpegWhatsApp Image 2018-07-20 at 4.10.17 PM.jpeg

We also had a great time on the second day of the staff retreat. These staffs pour all of their life into this ministry, and we are blessed to learn from their examples. At the end of our retreat, Pastor Adriel led everyone in a time of communion as we follow Christ's example in serving each other.

We played Telestration for one of the team building games. This is a picture of an otter, yes? We played Telestration for one of the team building games. This is a picture of an otter, yes? 

We played Telestration for one of the team building games. This is a picture of an otter, yes? 

The staff spend the afternoon discussing their ministries.The staff spend the afternoon discussing their ministries.

The staff spend the afternoon discussing their ministries.

WhatsApp Image 2018-07-20 at 8.30.43 PM.jpegWhatsApp Image 2018-07-20 at 8.30.43 PM.jpeg

After our retreat, we sent all the married couples off on a Date Night designed by sisters in our church. We believe our marriages are one of our primary ministries and we want to show that our church care for their staff and their spouses. From what we heard the next morning, everyone had a memorable time. 

Day 2: Staff Retreat, hanging out with kids, and volleyball!


Our first day started with an awesome breakfast at HOM. Our team quickly hit the ground running as we split into two groups. Pastor Adriel and I got our staff retreat materials together and left to an off-site location with the HOM staffs. Crystal and Daniel stayed behind and began to prepare the materials for the teen's workshop and children camp prep that is happening on Friday and Sat.

* Vasya and Adriel leading worship.* Vasya and Adriel leading worship.

* Vasya and Adriel leading worship.

Our staff retreat is one of the highlights for our team and the HOM staff as we provide a breathing room for worship, devotion, and discussions. It is a blessing for our team to be able to read the scripture and worship in songs together with our brothers and sisters here. For most of us, it is a glimpse, an experience, of the Church unified across all racial and ethnic boundaries. Regardless of our difference in language, it is incredible to hear the excitement as we contemplate God's word.

During the morning, we spend some time looking at how we can grow our vision by looking at the cycle of grief and the cycle of grace. In the afternoon, we looked at asset mapping as a tool for organization and community development. One of the most critical moments in our staff retreat is a time when our team stopped talking and gave them space to discuss and reflect among themselves. It is vital from our perspective that the HOM staff can pursue their mission from God not by what we think they should do, but that our role is to provide various tools, space, and encouragement as they confidently seek God's directions and opportunities. We want to be their cheerleaders! 

* Team building games are LOVED by the staff here! * Team building games are LOVED by the staff here! 

* Team building games are LOVED by the staff here! 

During the evening a few of us play a few games of football with the children at the centre, but after our dinner, our team left for the Mercy campsite for 2+ hours of epic volleyball matches! Crystal was able to play for the whole time which is a blessing as the weather was beautiful. 

Our team ended off the night past midnight as we debrief on our day and the day to come. Confident to say, we all slept very quickly last night. 

* Football game late afternoon with some of the kids. Quite a few new kids we met today!* Football game late afternoon with some of the kids. Quite a few new kids we met today!

* Football game late afternoon with some of the kids. Quite a few new kids we met today!

Day 1.2: Arrived!


We have arrived! 

After a delayed flight at the Toronto airport due to an "unfit-to-fly" plane (which turned out to be a nice break before we have to sit for another 8 hrs on a plane), a medical emergency that happened to a passenger five hours into that same flight, a piercing light from another passenger's desire for nature light for reading when the whole plane was asleep at 4am EST, and a curious airport custom agent who seem concerned about the bullhorn megaphone in one of our box... We've made it, and all our luggages have made it too.

We are excited to get started tomorrow with the staff retreat and camp prep. We spend the evening unpacking, getting things organized, and realizing things we forgot like my laptop display adapters. We even had time to practice a few camp songs for an hr before our bodies reminded us to sleep. 

As to the weather? It's the nicest cloudy 23c-25c I've experienced on arrival in Budapest. The weather this week in Uzhhorod is cloudy with a few showers, its perfect! Next week could be a mixture of sun and cloud. We do hope there will be good weather days for the kids to have fun outside during the camp though! 

A thanksgiving item: Pastor Adriel felt better after we landed in Toronto and he spends some time "getting it out of his system" aka. #YYZ washroom. After that, he slept really good all the way to HOM. 

Pray that our team will get adjusted to the time and environment quickly. We are all looking forward to hanging out with the kids, youth, and staff tomorrow! 

Every trip there is always a photo of our team sleeping in transit... Every trip there is always a photo of our team sleeping in transit... 

Every trip there is always a photo of our team sleeping in transit... 

Unpacking and reorganizing our luggages after dinner! Unpacking and reorganizing our luggages after dinner! 

Unpacking and reorganizing our luggages after dinner! 

Pursuing missions with excellence

Nine planning meetings, a study series on mission and poverty alleviation, plus countless hours of lesson crafting and workshop planning, the Ukraine STM has always seemed a bit overwhelming to those new to this ministry. A common question we sometimes hear is why does this mission trip require so much resources and preparation? Can't we just hang out? Here are a few of my personal thoughts to help answer this question.

1. Learning, Fellowship, and Encouragement:
Short-term mission trips are by definition short. It is a compressed and limited time for a foreign team to participate in the ministry of local church or organization. STM teams need to recognize that they are not going into the mission field like The Avengers, saving the locals with their superior knowledge and technology. Just because we may be materially more abundant, this does not mean we are spiritually superior. As an STM team, we need to know our place. Our position is in supporting the local church and organization rather than making us the center of their ministry. We are a partner in their ministry, and we're not the ones that run it or dictates its goals and strategy.  We can pursue a healthy partnership by first seeing STM as an opportunity to learn, fellowship, and encourage (Helping Without Hurting in Short-Term Missions, Steve Corbett). It is with a posture of humility that we acknowledge our lack of understanding of other cultures and repents of our god-complex attitudes toward people groups we visit. We need to invest in learning from others, about others, and with the others. If we go into the mission field without putting in the time to learn about what is Mission and about other cultures and its people, we will undoubtedly do more harm than good. The sad part is, a lot of sending churches do not realize the damage they've done since most post-trip sharing are spun in a positive, more 'gracious', and sometimes, ignorant perspective. Every sending church, including ours, needs a comprehensive reflection and evaluation as to how we are accountable to our own church and the churches/organizations abroad. 

To learn well also requires us to fellowship deeply with the community abroad. Fellowship is relational, and it is not done to others, but lived out with others. It is not only about the life and challenges of the others, but it also includes sharing our own challenges and failures. Authentic fellowship with our global brothers and sisters is a testimony of the power of the Gospel in redeeming all of us. We are not their saviour or redeemer; Christ is both our saviour and healer. 

Through this process of learning and fellowship, we can then know how to encourage them with maximum fervour and effectiveness. Encouragement becomes more meaningful, rich, and respectful. It's a kind of encouragement that builds the others up and speaks into their giftings and assets rather than their needs and deficiencies.  

2. Teaching well at home and abroad
One of the primary focus in our Ukraine STM is on children and youth. As a church, we desire to see children experience the love and presence of Jesus in their lives and it is a ministry area we strive to do with excellence. This transmission of the gospel and discipleship of the next generation in another culture requires as much preparation, if not more than children and youth ministries in our own churches today. When we consider the amount of preparations, selection of curriculums, leadership training and hiring of qualified pastor within our own children and youth ministries, it is not a far stretch to expect a certain amount of work needed to do the same ministries elsewhere. How we love and invest in our children within our churches should also translate to children abroad. If we care a lot about how we teach our own children, we should also expect the same diligence, expertise, and excellence from ourselves when we lead children in another culture. We are not aiming to give leftovers on the mission field, materials or otherwise. With that said, each church must understand their assets and giftings as each congregation live out their missions authentically on the global mission field. We can't copy what other churches are doing; we have to find our own path by understanding how God has brought our community together. 

3. To be flexible, you must know what you are flexing. 
There is often a confusion between being flexible and being irresponsible. Flexibility on the mission field requires a plan or materials to flex with. While no amount of planning can satisfy all the scenarios on the ground, this does not mean we should not plan at all. God has given us our minds and resources to use for his kingdom, and we should give it all that we have been given. It is the offering of our plans as a sacrifice to God that creates a beautiful opportunity for Him to disrupt and transform us as we participate in His missions, not ours. This attitude adjustment is what will not only help us flex our plans but to become flexible and moldable in His hands. When we offer up our very best plans to God, we are sacrificing our very best to Him. We are not offering our half-hearted ideas expecting things not to go as plan, but instead, we put on the altar all that we know and learned so that God will do greater things by showing us an even better way. We offer our best because we know God can do it better. 

As our church continues to develop relationships with brothers and sisters abroad, we pray that we will continue to grow in our understanding of mission and that we will participate in missions with humility and honest self-reflection. We are not aiming for perfection, but we are aiming to reflect Christ our perfecter, to those we are given the opportunity. We hope that all mission initiatives in our church will be pursued with excellence; to the best of our abilities in body, mind and spirit, for the glory of God and His kingdom. 

Packed, Praying, and Thanksgiving


It has a been a packed few weeks as we finish our plannings and preparations. Last Wednesday we had a fantastic show of support as brothers and sisters of our church came to help us prep materials and packed up most of our supplies into four suitcases and one box. Our church is not just sending four people to Ukraine, but we, as a church, are all in on the mission field. While some of us may have never set foot in HOM, they have actively participated in the support and work of this mission ministry. We could not have sustained this relationship with HOM without our community's support. Thank you SCCEFC! 

Today our last box of supply arrived just in time. We had been praying for this delivery to happen as we are leaving tomorrow. Thank you for all the prayers!! 

Tomorrow (July 17th) we will be at the YYC airport chapel for prayers at 10:30 AM. Come and join us in prayers as we step into the mission field together! 

Week of June 24th update

  1. We have raised over $8300 out of $13,500! $5200 to go! Two more weeks to go!!! To donate to the Ukraine STM, please indicate “Ukraine STM 2018” on the offering envelope.

  2. Our Supply Board in the chapel foyer has been updated with new items! Thank you to everyone who has taken a tag and brought back their items! Our deadline to bring back your item(s) is July 8th!

Week of June 17th updates!

  1. We have raised over $5200 out of $13,500! $8300 to go! Four more weeks to go!!! To donate to the Ukraine STM, please indicate “Ukraine STM 2018” on the offering envelope.

  2. Our Supply Board in the chapel foyer has been updated with new items! Thank you to everyone who has taken a tag and brought back their items! Our deadline to bring back your item(s) is July 8th!

Ukraine STM 2018 is a go!


We are excited to announce this year's short-term team to Ukraine! This year we have four members, Daniel Chow, Pastor Adriel Lui, Calvin and Crystal Sun, and we will be there from July 17 to Aug.1, 2018. We are looking forward to fellowshipping and serving our brothers and sisters at the House of Mercy this year! More info and details to come!