EMOT Mothers Day Feature: James

We would like to introduce you to our English Ministry Operational Team (EMOT): Pastor Randy (lead), Pastor Calvin (assistant), Pastor Adriel (youth), Stephen Pun (chairperson), James Pan (worship deacon), Renee Tung (outreach deacon), Ashley (outreach deacon) and Glenna (care deacon). The EMOT is here to serve our English congregation church family! We thought it would be fun to ask the team about their moms leading up to Mothers Day. Meet James and his mom!

What was your relationship like with your mom growing up and what is your relationship like now?

I had a good relationship with my mom in my youth and always felt cared for and loved by her.

Today, I am privileged with many opportunities to love and care for my mom in her senior years and our relationship has grown closer with much humor, honesty, and ease of conversation.

What is something she always says?

"Love you plenty!"

What is your favourite memory with your mom?

Taking mom on a road trip from Calgary to Arizona while experiencing and exploring the beauty of God's wonderful creation through the changing landscapes and incredible national parks.

What is something your mom did/does that you would love to emulate with your own family?

She has a solid prayer life. She finds ways to encourage and uplift those around her. She has a joyful and youthful spirit.

What would you like to say to her?

"I love you, mom! You make me smile when I think of you. You are so young at heart and surprise me with the crazy things you do. Thank you for your love for Jesus."

Now that you’re on your own, what do you appreciate most about your mom?

My mom continues to be my biggest fan. She continues to pray for, support and cheer me on in my care for my family, work, church life, and personal endeavors.